As February comes to a close, I can’t help but think how great leaders treat their work as a purpose and never a job. To love what you do, ensures that we create the best for ourselves and others. We are made to thrive, serve and support those alongside us. This is the beauty of being a leader who views their life as a service to the greater good and to help their people. It’s also a responsibility to help your people love what they do.
Are you creating the right culture and work environment? Do your employees enjoy their work or are they dreading the next day? It has been said that you need to love yourself before you can love others. Well, that statement is so true in the workplace. Do you have a pulse on your organization? If not, then we recommend conducting an employee survey.
Nearly two-thirds of all employees don’t feel appreciated. That’s sad! If you want engaged employees and a great place to work then take the pulse, gain valuable insights and do something about it. Whether it’s dissatisfaction with their work or not having a supportive manager, these insights can help provide growth opportunities for your organization. A 2018 Global Talent Trends study by Mercer revealed what organizations can do to stay ahead of the game when it comes to employee satisfaction. Among the findings, Mercer identified three factors that employees and job candidates are looking for in a company. These are workplace flexibility, a commitment to health and well-being and working with a purpose. Identifying your employees concerns and desires can greatly benefit your organization and the bottom line.
The Bradley Partnerships, Inc. can assist you with developing your customized employee survey. We are here to help you so please check out our capabilities at and then contact us at