A diverse and inclusive or D&I workplace is paramount to attracting and retaining talented employees and for setting up your organization for success. According to Glassdoor, 67% of job seekers consider workplace diversity an important factor when considering employment opportunities, and more than 50% of current employees want their workplace to do more to increase diversity. An additional data point is that Harvard Business Review (HBR) found that 78% of employees who responded to an HBR study said they work at organizations that lack diversity in leadership roles. Bottom-line, the organizations that have the highest rates of D&I are the most successful. We have found the underlying issues for balking at D&I are personal biases and internal employment and retention practices.
What are the tangible benefits of having a D&I workplace?
Organizations with above-average gender diversity and levels of employee engagement outperform companies with below-average diversity and engagement by 46% to 58% (Fast Company). Your organization’s bottom line hinges on your employees feeling respected and valued.
Higher representation of women in C-suite positions results in 34% greater returns to shareholders (Fast Company). It’s easy to recognize a diverse workplace just by reviewing an organization’s website to view the leadership team.
According to a 2015 McKinsey report, companies in the top quarter for racial/ethnic diversity are 35% more likely to surpass peers with higher than average profits, while those in the same bracket for gender diversity are 15% more likely to do the same.
There’s compelling evidence to support doing the ethical and right thing when it comes to having D&I initiatives. These initiatives make workplaces successful, competitive and smarter while contributing to increased job satisfaction, employee retention and increased revenue.
The Bradley Partnerships (TBP) has worked with organizations to build a wholistic D&I Program to integrate D&I throughout your workforce.
Contact us today so we can help your organization! We can be reached at 724-799-8170, email us at info@bradleypartnerships.com.